Monday, June 20, 2011

1SBS #19-24 pg. 51

19. a) carbon- 6 protons and 6 electrons b)aluminun- 13 protons and 13 electrons c) lead-82 protons and 82 electrons d) chlorine- 17 protons and 17 electrons

20. a) No this is not electrically neutral, there are more electrons than protons making this sulfur negatively charged b) No this is not electrically neutral, there are more protons than electrons making this iron positively charged c) Yes this is electrically neutral silver d) No this is not electrically neutral, there are more electrons than protons making this iodine negatively charged.

21. a) anion b) neutral atom c) neutral atom d) cation e) cation

22. a) gaining electrons b) neither c) neither d) losing electrons e) losing electrons

23. a) H b) Na+ c) Cl- d) Al3+

24. a) KI b) CaS c) FeBr3 d) Ba(OH)2 e) 3(NH)PO f) Al2O3

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