1. See Drawing
2. In natural water purification when water vapor rises, condenses into tiny droplets in clouds, and-- depending on the temperature-- eventually falls as rain or snow as pure water just like distillation. The second step of the filtration is bacterial action converts dissolved organic contaminants into a few simple compounds. Also when raindrops strike soil and seeps far into the ground it passes through gravel, sand, and even rock which filters out bacteria and suspended matter.
3. Aluminum Hydroxide is a sticky, jellylike material that traps and removes the suspended particles that the process of flocculation uses.
4. Even after the filtration process water may be acidic enough to dissolve metallic water pipes. Shortening pipe life and causing copper and cadmium to appear in homewater supply is harmful to humans. Therefore, calcium oxide is added to the water to neutralize the acidic water by being basic.
5. About 1 ppm of fluoride ion is added to the teated water to reduce tooth decay.
6. Adding chlorine to drinking water kills desease-producing microorganisms whereas untreated water may have harmful organisms for humans.
7. The disadvantages to using chlorination in water is the reaction with organic compounds produced by decomposing animal and plant matter to form substance that, if in sufficiently high concentrations, can be harmful to human health. TGN us a carcinogen found in over chlorinated water and can be cancer causing.
8. The water from a stream of a mountain may need chlorination because the water could have a disease that an animal carried and brought to the water by drinking from it or walking through it. The water could also have metals and bacteria from its surrounding soil that can be harmful.
9. Two other methods to prevent bacteria as chlorine does without the harm could be to use the UV lights that the man from FLOW invented.
Another method could be distillation; however, this method is much too expensive and time consuming to perform.
18. The Hydrological Cycle would either completely stop or just continue only underground and within streams. The absence of evaporation would mean that the water always stayed on the ground and that it would never leave without the wind or some type of force pulling it. That could be advantageous or could be harmful. The evaporation also purifies that water, so i would assume our water supply would be more foul.
19. If water was not a multi form element than the evaporation could not occur and neither could the precipitation of the hydrological cycle.
20. The risks of THM have to be balanced with the positive effects of chlorination for water cleanliness. The small amount of THM should not be harmful.
21. In the natural purification there is essentially 3 of the same steps. The evaporation and condensation mocks the distillation apparatus. The sand and gravel filtration mocks the way water goes through gravel and soil under ground causing filtration.
22. a) 2 ppm b) 14 ppm c) 780 ppm
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