Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Taking a Stand: my opinion on water shortage vs. water pollution


In my opinion, i strongly believe that water shortage is a much bigger problem than water pollution. Although water pollution is harmful and sometimes expensive to take care of, it is not as bad as the absence of water. Without water all sources of life would die and there is no way of creating water out of nothing. Polluted water can easily be purified to the best of our ability with great technology we have today. As we learned from the FLOW video UV lights and other processes can be used to purify water. To say polluted water is hard to deal with is true; however, water shortage is impossible to deal with. Sometimes trucking in water from other parts of the world can help in these situations, but then other parts of the world may start to have water shortages. If the water supply dwindles so will population. Clearly water shortage is a much worse problem than water pollution.


  1. Yes, I absolutely agree. CLEARLY water shortage is a bigger issue, it's definitely what I've taken away from this semester after learning about various ways the foulest water is purified for human use.

    Thank you Rebecca for such a great prospective!

  2. I disagree with your stand because I believe the opposite water pollution is worse because it costs money to purify water. The money that a lot of countries do not have pure water and have false shortages because the only available water is being taken by big corporations like in flow.

  3. i disagree because in the poorer countries they can't pay for water that is cleaned and better for their health and life. Water pollution is worse.

  4. i would disagree wit nia and katie*, water shortage is DEFINITELY worse.
