Wednesday, July 20, 2011

#31-38 p235 #1-10 p258, unit 3

31. a) Propane- C3H8
b) Pentane- C5H12

32. Ane refers to the fact that hexane is an alkane.

33. Yes, they all have the same amount of carbon atoms which is 6 and 12 hydrogen atoms.

34. See Drawing

35. Butane

36. A linear chain and a zigzag chain have different structures; however, they have the same properties and amount of hydrocarbons making them isomers.

37. a) see drawings
b) the branched-chain molecule

38. a) A short straight chain would have a lower boiling point because there is less carbon to evaporate than a longer straight chain.
b) a short branched chain would have the lower boiling point because it again has less carbon bonds to break than the longer branched chain.
c) a short branched chain would have a lower boiling point because it has less carbon ,olecules to break down rather than a long straight chain which would have a lot of carbon bonds.

1. Petroleum can be considered buried sunshine because before the the petroleum was buried it got its energy from the solar radiation transferred to either a plant or animal.

2. a) Potential energy is energy of position or condition; a piece of paper on the edge of a desk.
b) Kinetic energy is energy related to motion; a moving car.

3. In a chemical reaction the energy from the reactant side is used to break apart the original chemical bonds and form new ones with more or less energy with the product.

4. Butane, because it possesses more carbon and hydrogen atoms giving it the ability to hold more energy.

5. a) Potential energy
b) Potential energy
c) Kinetic energy
d) Potential energy
e) Kinetic energy

6. Chemical bonds need energy to break so that when they reconstruct new chemical bonds energy can be used.

7. a) exothermic-more energy is produced than is started with
b) endothermic-more energy was used than produced
c) endothermic-the candy bar provides less energy than it took to digest it

8. There is less energy stored in the reactants than is produced causing the heat energy form the lit candle.

9. See drawing

10. Energy is neither created nor destroyed in any mechanical, physical, or chemical processes.

Drops to drink

Singapore, a country with an extremely large amount of yearly rainfall, and a population of over 7000 people per square kilometer, is won of the most densely populated countries. Surprisingly though, water shortages have been plaguing the 5 million people living there. As we learned earlier in the summer, desalinization of water is a costly and slow process; however, the Singaporean government in collaboration with Siemens, a German engineering conglomerate have dedicated their time and money to making the process cheaper and efficient. Today, they claim to have created a method in Singapore which can "transform seawater into drinking water using less than half the energy required by the most efficient previous method." Most Ocean water starts out with around 3.5% salt and must be cut down to around 0.5% or less salt for human consumption. Usually the process of desalinization should take about 10 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per cubic meter of seawater processed. This energy is used to heat the brine and partially evaporate the substance leaving you with newly condensed water vapor. Another process could use reverse osmosis, which utilizes special membrane to act as a sieve, passing on the water and filtering out the ions such as sodium chloride from the water. Reverse osmosis uses 4kWh per cubic meter of water to generate the pressure needed to maintain the sieve. The new system designed by Siemens only uses 1.8kWh per cubic meter and plans on lowering this energy even more to 1.5kWh. The process is called electrodialysis and works by utilizing a different membrane than reverse osmosis which actually passes the ions through membranes instead of water. Half pass positive ions and the other passes negatively charged ions. They alternate per channel so that when two electrodes flanking the system of each channel can pull the positively charged ions like in sodium and the other can pull the negatively charged ions like chloride. The result is a brine of sodium chloride which rises and is thrown away, while the water continues to go on to the same process a couple more times. By the end of the processes the water will have less than 1% salt concentration. This water is still not potable and must be employed an ion-exchange resin to lower the concentration to the drinkable amount of .5%. A full-scale plant in Singapore to produce water is being constructed now and will be finished in 2013.

Ice Cream Sandwiches

yummy yummy in my tummy
yummy yummy in my tummy
yummy yummy in my tummy
yummy yummy in my tummy
yummy yummy in my tummy
yummy yummy in my tummy
yummy yummy in my tummy
yummy yummy in my tummy

the advantages of taking summer chemistry

Taking Summer School Chemistry has been one of the most rewarding learning experiences yet. I can honestly say that in this class we learned the same amount of information (if not more), than the school year students learn. We got individual attention and were allowed extra class time for our questions to be answered. We could also help each other in class and get helped by other classmates. Through all of this extra careful learning time, I personally was able to fully understand the periodic table the best. I can understand the way families, groups, periods, atomic number, atomic mass, and element symbols work. I can also determine many valence electron amounts from the periodic table and ions. Once I understood that I could do chemical equations and balance them, I can also draw lewis dot structure covalent bond diagrams, and I can identify reduction and oxidation. Overall I have learned a vast amount of information in a short amount of time and absorbed it all. I will go onto physics in summer school next year just because I had such a great experience this year in chemistry.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

3SAS #1-30 Except #’s 2, 4, 9, 14, 24, 25 p233

1. Hydrocarbons are molecular compounds that only contain atoms of hydrogen and carbon.

3. Petroleum is such a valuable resource because it is nonrenewable and is extremely versatile from energy to manufactured products.

5. Crude oil is what is pumped form underground, but it cannot be used for anything until it is put in a furnace and converted into fractions of petroleum.

6. a)2,621.74 10^3 Barrels per day
b) 21,212.26 10^3 Barrels per day

7. Diesel fuel oil, Gas Oil, Kerosene, Liquified petroleum gas

8. a)CDs, clothing, prescription drugs, and water bottles
b) Aluminum can replace CDs, and water bottles; renewable bio-plastics can be used to replace petroleum plastic in prescription drugs as well.

10. a) Middle East
b) Western Europe

11. a) United States of America
b) Middle East

12. In petroleum fractioning the the oil with the most density and highest boiling point is on the bottom and the top is the lowest boiling point with the least dense oil.

13. Acetone and Water would be the easiest to separate from one another because their boiling points have such a vast difference. If heated to 56 degrees C the acetone would evaporate and leave the water behind.


16. Fractional distillation uses a furnace and separates different versions of oil into fractions in a tower.

17. light: Kerosene, aviation gasoline, petrochemicals
intermediate: gas oil, heavy furnace oil, diesel fuel oil
heavy: lubricating oil and grease, heavy oils and wax, cracking stock
residue: petroleum jelly, road oils and asphalt, petroleum coke

18. The bottom of the distillation tower would contain the oil with the highest boiling point because the lowest boiling point oil would evaporate and go to the top of the tower first and the furnace heated up the oil the last of the oil to evaporate would be the oil with the highest boiling point, leaving it at the bottom of the tower.

19. You could as another nonpolar substance with the oil to cause a reaction.

20. CH4, C5H12, C5H14, C8H18; the more carbon there is the higher intermolecular attraction occurs, and then an increased boiling point occurs.

21. A covalent bond is the charing of two or more valence electrons between two atoms which allows both atoms to fill their outer shells completely.

22. Elements with full valence shells of 8 electrons do not form covalent bonds because they are noble gases and are chemically inert.

23. In a covalent bond both atoms share the 2 electrons contained in the covalent bond. They both use one another's electron to complete their shells.

26. a) A structural formula can help show both the structure, the isomer, and the boiling point of a hydrocarbon or any other bonded elements unlike a molecular formula.
b) A structural formula is 2 dimensional while an actual molecule is obviously 3 dimensional.

27. a) See Drawing
b) See drawing

28. Carbon atoms only show 4 dots in the Lewis dot structure because the other 2 dots are represented in the first inner shell.

29. a) C9H20 b) C16H34 c) C10H22 d) C18H38

30. a) 128 grams b) 226 grams c) 142 grams d) 256 grams

Unit 4 B.3 #1-4 p.344

1. Human exposure to ultraviolet radiation such as UV-C can cause skin cell damage and skin cancer while UV-B and UV-A cause sunburns. Infrared radiation is mostly heat energy and has no direct harm to human life.

2. Visible solar radiation kickstarts photosynthesis by energizing chlorophyll molecules and also create double bonds of certain molecules within your eyes, enabling human sight.

3. Dry areas such as New Mexico and Arizona have wider air-temperature fluctuations from night to day because the air is less dense and hold less water vapor causing less greenhouse gas and less absorption of heat rather than the trapping of infrared radiation which occurs in humid areas such as in Florida, where the humidity and dense atmosphere holds on to the heat and causes less fluctuation from day to night.

4. a) Daytime temperatures would be much colder because the air would be less dense and would not expand and have as much energy as when it is heated, infrared heat would not be reradiated as much and the earth's surface would be cooler.
b) Nights would also be cooler; however, even cooler than the daytime because in the day visible light and UV radiation could warm you up but without the sun it would get very cold in a less dense atmosphere.