9. Active metals can easily react with another substance and combine making them commonly hard to separate and must be processed by electrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy.
10. Silver would be the easiest to process, and right behind silver would be copper and zinc; however, magnesium would be very difficult to process. Silver and copper and zinc would be easiest to process they are the least reactive metals out of the 4 we were given and would not easily combine with other ions.
11. Most metals exist in nature as minerals rather than as pure metallic elements because the majority of metals are quite reactive and can combine easily to become minerals.
12. a) Calcium with Chromium is more likely to react because Calcium has a higher reactivity than Chromium does, and will therefore cause a reaction unlike the reverse which would cause no reaction because less reactive metals cannot react with more reactive ions.
13. b) 2Ag+(aq) + Zn(s)----> 2Ag(s) +Zn2+(aq) - this reaction is more likely to occur because ZInc is more reactive than silver; therefore, the ion must be the silver, which is less reactive. Once the reaction occurs the oxidation and reduction of Zinc and Silver occur readily.
14. a) Lead nitrate is less reactive than iron metal (spoon) so when the spoon touched the lead a reaction would definitely occur. b) Pb2+(aq) + Fe(s)----> Pb(s) + Fe2+(aq)
15. Oxidation is the loss of electrons to become an ion while reduction is the gaining of electrons to neutralize into a metal.
16. a) Au+(aq) + 1e- ----> Au(s)
b) V(s) + 4e+ ----> V4+(aq)
c) Cu+ + 1e+ ----> Cu2+
17. a) Reduction
b) Oxidation
c) Reduction
18. a) Zinc has been oxidized because it has gone from being a solid metal to losing two electrons in order to become a solution of Zn2+
b) Nickel has been reduced because it has gone from being a solution with an ionic positive charge of 2 and gained two electrons to become a solid of Nickel metal.
c) The reducing agent in this reaction is Zinc.
19. a) Potassium has been oxidized because it has gone from 2 atoms of metal Potassium to 2 atoms of positively charged ionic solution of potassium
b) Mercury has been reduced in this equation because it has gone from being a positively charged ion to a solid neutral metal.
c) The oxidizing agent is the Mercury because it allows the Potassium to change from a metal to an ion by making it lose two ions.
20. a) Al + Cr3+ ----> Al3+ + Cr
b) Mn2+ + Mg ----> Mn + Mg2+
21. a) Electrometallurgy is a process by which electrical current is used to supply electrons to metal ions, thus reducing them.
b) Pyrometallurgy is a method where metals and their ores are treated with heat in a blast furnace where Carbon and Carbon monoxide are common reducing agents. They provide electrons.
c) Hydrometallurgy is treating ores and other metal-containing materials with reactants ina water solution.
22. a) Electrometallurgy
b) No process is needed, usually found uncombined in a pure metal form.
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