Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2SAS #13-25

13. a) periods b) group or family

14. Sodium-Na and Potassium-K

15. a) the far right column b) they are very unreactive c) they are chemically inert

16. a) MgF2 b) GaP3

17. about 68 degrees celsius

18. Higher


20. a) protons-4 , neutrons-5 , electrons-4 b) protons-7, neutrons-7, electrons-7 c) protons-10, neutrons-10, electrons-10

21. The student is incorrect because a +2 ion indicates the loss of 2 electrons making the atom positively charged.

22. a) Carbon-12, Carbon-13, Calcium-41, Platinum-195, Uranium-238
b) Carbon

23. No it is not, we would also need the atom's ionic charge, melting point, boiling point, state of being (gas, liquid, solid), and the element's proton and neutron count.

24. An electron's mass is so much smaller than a proton and neutron it is not included in the atomic weight because it is so minuscule.


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