Wednesday, July 20, 2011

the advantages of taking summer chemistry

Taking Summer School Chemistry has been one of the most rewarding learning experiences yet. I can honestly say that in this class we learned the same amount of information (if not more), than the school year students learn. We got individual attention and were allowed extra class time for our questions to be answered. We could also help each other in class and get helped by other classmates. Through all of this extra careful learning time, I personally was able to fully understand the periodic table the best. I can understand the way families, groups, periods, atomic number, atomic mass, and element symbols work. I can also determine many valence electron amounts from the periodic table and ions. Once I understood that I could do chemical equations and balance them, I can also draw lewis dot structure covalent bond diagrams, and I can identify reduction and oxidation. Overall I have learned a vast amount of information in a short amount of time and absorbed it all. I will go onto physics in summer school next year just because I had such a great experience this year in chemistry.

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