Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2SCS #13-17 p164

13. a) If you had three times more then you would have to multiply all of the coefficients by 3 as well inorder for it to be balanced.
b) You have to multiply N2 on the product side by 5 for the Nitrogen to be balanced and you would have 10 nitrogens on the product side.
c) You would have to make Pb on the other side 5 aswell to make the Pbs balanced at a 1:1 ratio.

14. a) 1 mole of N2
b) 621 grams of Pb
c) 14 grams of N2
d) 446 grams of PbO

15. The percent concentration is 73% and not 64% because there are two oxygen atoms which has a molar mass of 32 and it is over 44 because you have to put it over the total.

16. a) 87% Silver Ag
b) 53% Aluminum Al
c) 67% Calcium Ca

17. a) 68% Lead Pb
b) 10% PbSO4
d) See Drawing

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